Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept. 10, 2012 Email

Hey MOM!
Well this week was a really good week! We got alot of potential new investigators. There were lots of people that were not members at the university ward sunday that were just there to see what it was like and there was also a older guy at the family ward who wants to learn more! :) So lots of good things hopefully heading our way. So I am really excited for this transfer I have dedided to make a transfer goal of commiting 10 people to baptism by the end of the transfer I feel that it is a reasonable goal and I feel it can be achieved. Besides with the lord on our side all things are possible. :) We had a lesson with Natalyne meyers yesterday and she said she doesnt want to wait to be baptized Sept. 22 she said she wants to be baptized this sat. So we moved her baptism to this sat. so we are really excited for that. Also Clayton is still doing awesome i cant wait to see him enter the waters of baptism i just like him and getting really ansy to see him get baptized, he has gained such a strong conviction of the gopsel its amazing it has grown my own personal testimony. We are still struggling with Austin James he wont commit and follow through at least but we will not give up! Mahala Auger is doing really good and her health is back to normal so we have a appointment set up for Tuesday to go meet with them and set up another baptismal date with her. I'm am super excited for this next transfer Elder Kaveinga and I are going to tear it up! Like i said i am making a goal of 10 on date by week 6 and i never back down from a goal! So that will motivate me to want to invited EVERYONE! I am also excited for the missoula zone! Lots of good things are happening within our zone. I spoke with elder Hatch and bore my testimony to him about the importance of inviting and if we can all just overcome the fear of inviting someone to be baptized the spirit will work through us and touch peoples hearts. And i challenged him to invited someone to be baptized before he called in numbers sunday. I told him to pray about it and see which one he felt was ready. So long story short they now have a baptismal date for October 6th so that is super exciting! He also got a lady at pinesdale to commit to start doing all the steps that she needs to take to be baptized. So lots of good things happening. I am really excited! Well i guess i better go!

Love ya!

Elder Branham with the Apostle Elder Neal Anderson

Update on Elder Branham's Summer

Elder Branham has been busy this past Summer.  He was transferred to Shelby MT in June and made a District Leader.  After being in Riverton, WY for 6 months it was hard for him to leave and we were worried that he would have a hard time adjusting to Shelby.  Elder Branham adjusted just fine and was a great District Leader.  We received a phone call from a Missionary Couple serving with him in Shelby and they said he was doing a great job as the District leader and that he was loved in the area.  We felt like he would be in Shelby for a couple of transfers but the Lord had different plans.  In July Transfers after just 6 weeks in Shelby as District leader he was transferred to Missoula, MT to be Zone Leader.  We were surprised about the transfer but very excited and happy about his new leadership role.  Since being in Missoula he has developed a love for the area and is totally embracing his call as Zone Leader.  He said that he loves this calling and he loves teaching and speaking in front of others.  This has been such a wonderful and growing experience.  Elder Branham also had the priveledge to speak on the telephone with the Apostle Neal Anderson.  Imagine the shock on his face when he answered his missionary phone to discover that Elder Anderson was on the other end.  Two weeks later Elder Anderson was in Missoula and he had the special priveledge to speak with him personally and take a picture with him.  He has grown so much this past year spiritually, personally and in a leadership way.  We are so proud of our Missionary and all of the wonderful work that he is doing.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

District Picture with Pres. Gardner before his release

July 17, 2012 Email

Sorry I wasn't on yest. we left early and went to Glacier National Park for pday. My entire district was able to go we were able to get everyone rides to go.Its kinda cool Glacier is actually in my area I could go tracting there lol so it was a lot of fun. This week was a good week for my district we now have a total of 15 people with baptismal dates in my district. My comp and I were able to set 2 this week so that was good hopefully they go through. my comp is still hard to get along with and prez told me I would be staying with him :( well don't know what else to write love yall

July 9,2012 post

Well this week was a good week. We had 30 lessons and we picked up 4 new investigators while tracting so it was sweet. Our area is really starting to grow I hope I will be able to find success in it. We have gotten 8 new investigators since I have been here. We started meeting with a former investigator family that have been meeting with the missonaries for years  i really hope they will change and they will wanna be baptized it would really strengthen my testimony. I did my first 2 baptismal interviews yesterday. they went great both started to cry in the interview the ywere both in their 60s and they shared their testimony with me about how when they first met with missionaries they said they werent gonna change but the misssionaries could stop by. So elder Smith one of the missionaries in my district asked them a simple question will you read and pray about the Book of Mormon and they said sure it wont hurt. and so they read and prayed and said that the holy spirit just came upon them like somebody had poured hot water over the top of them. so it was nice to here their conversion story and feel the spirit in the interview. they were both hard core catholic but now they are gettin baptized and want to go to the temple in a year to be sealed. My district is still leading the mission right now. every companionship has people on date for baptism except our area. but hopefully this week we will be able to set a baptismal date with Destiny. But our district has 14 baptismal dates right now. so its nice. but I just hope we can have some baptisms in my are acause baptisms always make the mission easier. I dont really like my companion. I just cant get along with him president said I would struggle so I am just sucking it up and trying to help him become a better missionary but he never wants to listen to me he wants to do things his way.but I feel pretty confident in saying I will be with him for another transfer so I bettter just saddle up. Well i guess tahts it its been hot here this week.
LOve ya!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pictures keep coming, Elder Branham is enjoying his Mission experience

                                          Pres. & Sis. Gardner, They will be missed
                                          released June 28, 2012

More Mission Pictures

                                                   Love, Love waterfalls
                                          Look where I hiked to...

                                          The water keeps going

                                             Another Beautiful place

Mission Pictures of Elder Branham

                                            Silly Missionaries!

                                                     Transfer time

                                                         Look at the Beautiful Wyoming

                                            Beautiful, Heavenly Father has Beautiful things


                                                   Boy it sure would be nice to jump in

Elder Branham's first email from Shelby MT, June 25, 2012

well this week got off to a rough start. Heading down here was a long ride it was like 13 hours. but I made it. I am starting to get used to the area. I have to do 10 baptismal interviews this week since I am the district leader. My companion and I went and taught a girl the 3rd lesson yest. She lives on the browning reservation she is a 4th native, she is really nice and cute. But she has a baby and we taught her the 4th lesson  and i think it was the most spiritual lesson I have given my entire mission. She started crying and said she wanted to be baptized so this week we will set a baptismal date with her. She texted Sis. Reber some senior missionaries that we work with and said she loves the church cause out on the reservation everyone but her drinks and does drugs and she doesnt like it and gets harrassed for not doing those things. So I am excited to be able to teach her and see her enter the waters of baptism and make that change for the better in her life. The lord calls us all to the place we need to be. We had 5 investigators at church sunday and they havent had 1 at church in the last 4 months. SO hopefully things will turn up and we will start to have success. Oh the Sis. Reber might add you she is such a nice lady. I told her to add you on facebook well love ya have a great day!

Shelby Montana

Elder Branham arrived in his new area on June 19, 2012, Shelby MT.  He said it was a very long travel to get there, 13 hours.  He got to spend the day with his first  companion Elder Akina and travel with him on the transfer bus.  He got to spend time at the Mission Home with President Gardner who went home June 28th.  Pres. Gardner was a great Mission President and Elder Branham respected and loved him very much, it is sad to see his time come to an end.  Elder Branhm was made a District Leader and we are proud of him for this accomplishment.  We received a letter from President Gardner telling us about Ryan's new calling and how he knew Ryan would do a great job.  Ryan has amazing leadership qualities that will continue to help him be successful in his mission as well as in life.  His new companion is Josh White and he is farely new, 3 months out.  Shelby is 8 miles from the Canada Border and the weather is alot cooler than here in SC.  He plans to visit Glaicer National Park while in that area.  He has already met someone who knew his Aunt Aurelia from College when she went to Ricks some 30 years ago....small world.  We are happy and excited about the growth and work that Elder Branham is doing.  The one year mark is not far away!

New Area

Well after spending 6 months in Riverton WY, Elder Branham was transferred to a new area.  It was hard for him to leave the great area of Riverton.  He has made life long friends, grown to love the area and misses sweet Sis. Larsen.  The Lord definitely calls you to the areas that he knows you need in your life, Riverton was that area for Elder Branham.  He grew so much as a Missionary in this area and became a Senior Companion.  He faced illness while there but because of the wonderful members he recouperated very well and was back on his feet in no time.  Thanks to all those that he came in contact with and for the wonderful impressions that were forever instilled in him that he will carry a life time.  Now he is on to Shelby, MT where I know he will continue to grow as a missionary and as the great adult he is becoming.

Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012 Email

Well I am late getting on today. We went hiking this morning then when we got back we went and helped Bro. Merrill do some stuff. This has been a pretty good week. Last sat. we went with one of our investigators to look for shedded antlers we only found 4 but we were not out there long cause it started to rain. So he is gonna take us again this sat. Last week we set a baptismal date with Kelsi Bro. Merrill daughter her baptismal date is set for next sat. April 28th. I love the Merrill family they are awesome! They make me wanna move here cause Bro Merrill knows huntin like the back of his hand he used to be a game warden. We are having dinner with them this thur. he is gonna cook us elk steak. We also got a new investigator last week his name is Nate he is in the college branch. He is way solid we taught him the 1st lesson and it went well. We also taught a family that we tracked into a while back there names are Vanessa and Bryan. When we tracted it Vanessa told us that she liked the Mormon religion and that when she lived in Brazil she went for to church for a year, and was gonna be baptized but her family is really strong Catholic and convinced her not too. But I feel the time is right and I really hope I can stay here in Riverton one more transfer to see them get baptized that will be the first family I will have been able to baptize but that is only if I stay. Well I don't really know what else to write about. I love yall!

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 Email...6 month Anniverary

WOW!!!! Tomorrow marks Elder Branham's 6 month anniversary that he became a full time Missionary. Time is going by fast, I am so excited that I get to put my 6 month sticker on his count down chart...

I have tried to tell him today that there is a season for everything and that he is on his mission not only to convert but to plant seeds.  Although it would be nice to have those seeds blossom while he may be in the area, sometimes the enviroment may not be right for them to blossom.  But the seeds he plants may blossom oneday because of his efforts.  Sometimes that may be hard to remember but I want him to understand it.  He works very hard in his Missionary efforts and tends to get disappointed when he thinks things aren't going well.  We are proud of him!

Here is his weekly Email:


Well this week was kinda stressful but I got through it. We got 2 new investigators tracting this week. We are also about to start teaching a black kid named Jean Paul. So I am really excited for that and we are also about to start teaching another part member family that has a 10 year old not baptized. So hopefully things will all work out. Also transfer calls are this friday I hope I stay since the work is picking back up again I wanna teach and bring people to the waters of baptism.We had a total of 31 lessons this week we have averaged 32 for this transfer.President Gardner came down for our stake conference and he met with us at our house and talked with us. I really am sad to see him go I hope the new President is like him. Well I don't know what all to say. Last year in my area they had 7 baptisms the whole year and 15 reactivations so far since I have been here we have had 5 baptisms and 15 reactivations so that is exciting :) 
love yall

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012 Email From Riverton, WY

Well this week went really well. We had 3 baptisms that went great and we also had 2 reactivation's. And we had a total of 29 lessons again. Which is great! I hope I don't get transferred we are about to start teaching another 9 year old and and 24 year old who's girlfriend is in our college branch and he has been to church with her the last 5 weeks. So its good that we are getting more people to teach. As a missionary you work hard to lose your work you work hard to get them to baptism then you have nobody to teach. But luckily this is probably the best area in the mission cause that's not the case for this area. My companion and I are getting along great it took me a while to get used to him but I love him not quite as much as I loved Elder Akina but he is an awesome companion and I hope we stay together for at least one more transfer. This past week at zone conference President Gardner wanted to talk to me, I thought I was in trouble... but he said he just wanted to let me know that my companion and I are leading the mission right now with an average weekly lessons of 32.1 and we have had 15 reactivation's and 5 baptisms this transfer so he just wanted to congratulate me and tell me to keep up the good work and that he was proud of me for working hard. I am gonna miss President Gardner. I hope the new mission president will be just as good as President Gardner was. I have been checking up on South Carolina baseball and right now they are on fire with a 13-1 record so far and their only lost was to Clemson in the 11th inning. I hope they can win the national championship again that would be crazy if they won 3 years in a row. well I don't know what else to say the work is going good here. Hope I have the opportunity to stay, next friday is transfer calls.
love you all

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Update on Elder Branham from Riverton

In my last couple emails, Elder Branham is doing good.  He is enjoying his missionary experience and his new companion.  He was made Senior companion last month and is training a missionary who has been out 6 weeks before coming to him, calling it a Greene Breaker.  They are working hard in Riverton and teaching lots of lessons.  They have had two baptisms already and 3 more this coming Saturday, 3/10.  He sounds very upbeat and adjusting.  On March 21st it marks 6 months on his mission but whose counting.  We are very proud of our Missionary and the wonderful things he is accomplishing.

More pictures from Riverton

Enjoying a day in the life of a Missionary

February 2012 Baptisms

If you look closely you can see the deer behind him

I am so glad that he made his bed!

Pictures from Riverton WY

 Elder Branham and his flavored water

 Awe this picture is for his sister, he is showing her the horse....

 Riverton WY

Showing off their new hats

Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012 Email, Riverton WY

Weekly Email:

Hey well this week was good. We had 29 lessons and set 3 baptismal dates for March 10th. so it was a good week. We have 2 baptisms this sat. for Jada a 11 year old girl. and John a 13 year old boy. Jada wants me to baptize her and confirm her in sacrament I am nervous.. we also gave out 15 book of mormons this week. We can't go hiking today cause of the snow it snowed last night and hikin in it would just be miserable. so far my new companion is good he likes to talk alot though. Well tell Rachel I said happy birthday.  oh and my entire district had a sleep over last night so it was pretty fun.

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

Weekly Email:

Well as you know we got transfer calls last friday. I will be getting a new companion this wed. I will be training which I am really excited about. I am only the 3rd missionary to go senior companion after only 4.5 months so i am really happy about that. Last week was a good week we planned a little bit for the baptism we have on the 25th. We will be baptizing a 10 year old girl named Jada and a 13 year old boy named John. They are great kids and they have really understood everything we have taught them. We tracted into a guy about 4 weeks ago his name is william. we have been meeting with him and he is SOLID! He told us he has been looking for a church to be baptized into for the last year but says that he feels that none of the churches are right. He also does not like how most churches dont practice what the preach. He is a firm believe in you must show faith. faith without works is dead. he also doesnt believe in babies being baptized. so i am really excited for him. So i ask all of you to keep him in your prayers so that he may receive an answer taht this is the true church. and that this amazing gospel will bless his life. We have also been teaching a 23 year old for a while now. He wont get baptized cause he is scared what his parents will think so just keep him in your prayers also. Also keep praying that the area i am in will continue to grow with success. My companion did leave yest. he will probably get to his new area tuesday. he is going to lolo, montana which is near missoula. His new companion is the district leader and is a really hard worker which i feel is what he needs cause he didnt wanna work at all when he was here. I am excited for the opportunity that the lord has given me to train, i feel this is like what coach laprad always told us " when you get the chance to shine and show people what you are made of take advantage of it and soak in teh feeling you get from your success" and thats what i hope i can do is show people how great i can be. My new companion is coming from eureka montana which is the farthest point north on the mission he is only about 5 mins from the canada border. So he will get here at about 2 pm wed afternoon. So he will be on the transfer van for 3 days. So until wed. i am with the elders from down in lander wyoming. there companions all got transferred so we are all getting new companions. One of them is getting Elder Hatch which is a elder i came out with and was in the MTC with. And the other is gettign Elder Savage who will be our new district leader and i served around him up in butte and he is a really cool kid. So i am excited for this transfer and hope to find lots of success. Well the weatehr here continues to be nice i hope it stays like this both winters once i get home from my mission it can be cold all it wants. Well i guess thats all i got.

Love, Elder Branham

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday January 30, 2012 email

Email from Elder Branham today:

Well this week was good not as many lessons but we had a busy week. We had zone training last thursday so i got to see president. No one seemed to be home last week so we ended up only getting 2 lessons. But we did set some baptismal dates so I am excited for those they will be in february. Well we took our car in today to get it fixed where some missionary layed on the roof and messed the roof up so we won't have the car for about 2 weeks so looks like we will be doing lots of walking. I dont really know what to write about. lol

He also finaly received his package from home today, it took 11 days to get there.  Crazy when it was sent 2 day priority.  Grandma's package got there today also hers took 7 days.  I guess Wyoming uses the Pony Express...I will have to get his Valentines box in the mail now so he gets it in time....lol

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012, Phone Call home!

Monday Jan. 23 we received a surprise phone call from Elder Branham at the hospital.  His dad has been in the hospital since Jan. 20th and his Mission President gave him permission to call home to check on Patrick.  He sounded totally awesome!  I asked him if he had been on the Indian Reservation and he said yes....He stated that they were not very nice Indians...ha.  He has been very busy working in Wyoming and really likes this area ALOT!  He and his companion stay in the Basement of a sweet Elderly Sister's home who he just loves.  He said that they have taught 26 lessons last week, 9 progressing well and possibly 7 - 9 baptisms next month.  He and his companion are working really hard and doing good.  He wanted me to send him the deer meatball recipe that I cooked for him and the Chicken enchilada recipe...I was sooo great to hear his voice and hear that he sounded really good...It also cheered up his dad to talk to him.  We are so proud of what he is doing.

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012 from Elder Branham

Well this week went good. This past Friday we taught a 11 yr old and a 13 year old that were referrals and they were very receptive and they want to be baptized. So we just got to teach them the rest of the lessons. We also lost 2 investigators they were also young and they moved and they were gonna get baptized but that's just how it works you gain some you lose some. Yes we did get 5 potentials they are not investigators yet. We tracted the dorms at the college and one girl told us that she loved our church and has really been looking into it and was considering getting baptized so that was cool we will start teaching them hopefully this week. My companion is turns 20 next month. I am trying and praying to get along with him its hard cause we don't have much in common and he is a little prideful but I am trying to find the best in him. He is from Nevada and he came straight on his mission no college. Well we met with our ward mission leader the other night he own a construction business and has about 250 employs so he is pretty big... He is in the process of building a HUGE house and we told him we could help. He said oh I don't think ya'll would know to much. And I told him I grew up working with dad he was very surprised at what I know so needless to say he said he will have us over to help him :) I told him that i wanted to start a construction business with dad when I got home and how I loved doing that kinda work cause I liked to see a finished product. He reminded me alot of dad he designs things his own way and his words "I like to sleep on things" just what dad says haha out here when they dig a foundation they have to dig down 4ft to keep frost from getting underneath the house. it would be so different doing work here cause its so cold they have to do things alot different because of code. Well I don't really know what else to write about. but that was basically my week. love yall

Monday, January 9, 2012

Last week in Deer Lodge, MT Dec. 26 - 30, 2011

Wow lots of snow

 Up to his knees with Snow
 Beautiful picture, look at the deer
 2nd Baptism in Deer Lodge Dec. 30
Baptism in Deer Lodge before transferring

Christmas 2011

 Mema Sandy was not to be outdone by
Grandma Nell so she sent a Charlie Brown
Christmas Tree
 Christmas Tree from Grandma Nell,
Camo skirt, deer ornaments and neat topper
 Great Calendar from Emily for Christmas

 Tie Rack from Mom and Dad and look
at those PJ's, too cool!
Christmas Morning opening presents
at Bro. and Sis. Oxnam's home

Deer Lodge December 2011, First Missionary Christmas

Wow look at the snow, it's a blizzard

Showing off his stocking from Grandma

 Elder Branham and Elder Akina showing off Christmas
cookies they made to deliver

Ho, Ho, Ho, Christmas gifts from
Mom and Dad

Christmas PJ's

Elder Branham showing off his Christmas PJ's

First week in Riverton, WY Jan. 9, 2012

Weekly Email:

Well this week has been hectic. We have not had time to facebook at all this week. I didnt get here till wed. night long drive. We could have possibly 5 baptisms by the end of Feb. hopefully everything goes through. Yes this area is nice just have to get used to it. I like living with Sis. Larsen she is so nice she keeps us supplied with food so I should be good. and I have not been on the reservation yet will probably go tom. I miss Elder Akina.  Me and my companion are getting along good so far but not near as good as me and Akina did. well I don't really know what to write about plus I only get 30 mins. on the computer but love ya hopefully we can get on again later.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year January 2, 2012

 Monday, January 02, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Sherri Branham
Subject: Re: hi well this email may be long if i can get everything out. As you know we had a baptism this past friday and it went great. I never told you the story though i just told you it was a 10 year old girl. well i am gonna tell you the story now. So Jaci Brosseau was a less active lady that we had been visiting she would come to church every now and then. She had been trying to adopt a Serena who is now a 10 year old girl for a while. But things just wouldn't work out. Elder Akina and i felt that we should stress the importance of coming to church and the blessings you can receive from it. so we did. After we did this she was reactivated and came to church every Sunday. Then Serena wanted to be baptized but we cant baptize if she is not officially adopted yet. So one day we got a phone call from Jaci saying she wanted us to fast with them and they were gonna fast and pray that the adoption would be finalized. She had already been told by her lawyer it would take several months to be done. But we all fasted anyways this was on a Sunday. That Tuesday we got a call from Jaci saying she had got a phone call and the court date would be the next week. So the next week everything was finalized and Serena was officially Jaci's child. Now all we had to do was plan the baptism because we had already taught Serena everything. So last Friday Serena was baptized. It was just amazing to see that when you put your faith in the lords hands all things are possible. Well that was the story of Serena. Now I will talk about my transfer. Elder Akina has been here for 4.5 months and is staying which is VERY unusual. So I only look at it as they must really need me in Wyoming cause this rarely ever happens. But I tell you it was hard leaving. I now see why they say it is so hard to leave when your mission is up. Cause it was hard for me to leave deer lodge, and anaconda it felt like i was leaving home all over again. They had become my family.  But it was just hard to leave and i didn't wanna go. New years eve we spent it with a lady Michelle Tennis and her son Dillon who we reactivated them. And she has always been there for us when we needed dinner appointments or anything. Then last night we went to the oxnams and it was really really hard for me to leave there. Bro. Oxnam had gotten really close to me and was like my mission dad and sis. oxnam like my mission mom. It was really hard to leave them. They had become like family and I didn't wanna say goodbye. Bro. Oxnam even got a little teary eyed as I walked out of his house for the last time. But we hope that i will go back to that area at some point again before my mission and I can reunite with them again. Well I guess that's enough of my sob story. The last week of transfers we didn't even stay at our apt. There is a family in anaconda that was out of town and they asked us to stay at their house while they were gone. So we did. And the room I slept in smelled just like my bedroom back home I felt so at home. lol well tom. I will get on the transfer van in Butte and head to Wyoming I wont get on it till like 12:15. So they said I will stop in Billings at the mission home and stay there tom. night. and wake up wed. morning and have breakfast with all the new missionaries that came out (Greenie breakfast). then I will get back on the transfer van and head to Riverton. My zone leader here in Butte just came from Riverton and he said he loved it and that there are alot of people that are close to being ready for baptism which is really exciting. He said the lady i will be living with Sis. Larsen is really really cool. He also said that the other Riverton missionaries live directly across the street so you will get to hang out with them alot. There will be 8 missionaries there in my district compared to 6 here. The only down side is I will be in a car share he said you share a car with the missionaries that live across the street. But he said that really isn't a problem because Sis. Larson will drive you EVERYWHERE. I looked it up and I will only be about an hour from Uncle Josh which is comforting to know. my area backs up to Yellowstone national park ( hopefully it doesn't erupt) and I also have an Indian reservation in my area. I will cover 1 ward which from what i hear is pretty big. And then a branch on the Indian reservation. And then I will be covering a college ward. which I heard is alot of fun because it is alot of people your own age. So that will be exciting. I got way to much stuff though it is to annoying to pack. so please don't send stuff unless its food ties or money. I have no room for anything else. I will need some medicine like thera flu and sudafed and ibprofeun cause I had to leave all that in Deer Lodge cause I couldn't fit it in my suit cases. well I guess that raps everything up.  love ya