Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012 from Elder Branham

Well this week went good. This past Friday we taught a 11 yr old and a 13 year old that were referrals and they were very receptive and they want to be baptized. So we just got to teach them the rest of the lessons. We also lost 2 investigators they were also young and they moved and they were gonna get baptized but that's just how it works you gain some you lose some. Yes we did get 5 potentials they are not investigators yet. We tracted the dorms at the college and one girl told us that she loved our church and has really been looking into it and was considering getting baptized so that was cool we will start teaching them hopefully this week. My companion is turns 20 next month. I am trying and praying to get along with him its hard cause we don't have much in common and he is a little prideful but I am trying to find the best in him. He is from Nevada and he came straight on his mission no college. Well we met with our ward mission leader the other night he own a construction business and has about 250 employs so he is pretty big... He is in the process of building a HUGE house and we told him we could help. He said oh I don't think ya'll would know to much. And I told him I grew up working with dad he was very surprised at what I know so needless to say he said he will have us over to help him :) I told him that i wanted to start a construction business with dad when I got home and how I loved doing that kinda work cause I liked to see a finished product. He reminded me alot of dad he designs things his own way and his words "I like to sleep on things" just what dad says haha out here when they dig a foundation they have to dig down 4ft to keep frost from getting underneath the house. it would be so different doing work here cause its so cold they have to do things alot different because of code. Well I don't really know what else to write about. but that was basically my week. love yall

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