Monday, September 10, 2012

Update on Elder Branham's Summer

Elder Branham has been busy this past Summer.  He was transferred to Shelby MT in June and made a District Leader.  After being in Riverton, WY for 6 months it was hard for him to leave and we were worried that he would have a hard time adjusting to Shelby.  Elder Branham adjusted just fine and was a great District Leader.  We received a phone call from a Missionary Couple serving with him in Shelby and they said he was doing a great job as the District leader and that he was loved in the area.  We felt like he would be in Shelby for a couple of transfers but the Lord had different plans.  In July Transfers after just 6 weeks in Shelby as District leader he was transferred to Missoula, MT to be Zone Leader.  We were surprised about the transfer but very excited and happy about his new leadership role.  Since being in Missoula he has developed a love for the area and is totally embracing his call as Zone Leader.  He said that he loves this calling and he loves teaching and speaking in front of others.  This has been such a wonderful and growing experience.  Elder Branham also had the priveledge to speak on the telephone with the Apostle Neal Anderson.  Imagine the shock on his face when he answered his missionary phone to discover that Elder Anderson was on the other end.  Two weeks later Elder Anderson was in Missoula and he had the special priveledge to speak with him personally and take a picture with him.  He has grown so much this past year spiritually, personally and in a leadership way.  We are so proud of our Missionary and all of the wonderful work that he is doing.

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