Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept. 10, 2012 Email

Hey MOM!
Well this week was a really good week! We got alot of potential new investigators. There were lots of people that were not members at the university ward sunday that were just there to see what it was like and there was also a older guy at the family ward who wants to learn more! :) So lots of good things hopefully heading our way. So I am really excited for this transfer I have dedided to make a transfer goal of commiting 10 people to baptism by the end of the transfer I feel that it is a reasonable goal and I feel it can be achieved. Besides with the lord on our side all things are possible. :) We had a lesson with Natalyne meyers yesterday and she said she doesnt want to wait to be baptized Sept. 22 she said she wants to be baptized this sat. So we moved her baptism to this sat. so we are really excited for that. Also Clayton is still doing awesome i cant wait to see him enter the waters of baptism i just like him and getting really ansy to see him get baptized, he has gained such a strong conviction of the gopsel its amazing it has grown my own personal testimony. We are still struggling with Austin James he wont commit and follow through at least but we will not give up! Mahala Auger is doing really good and her health is back to normal so we have a appointment set up for Tuesday to go meet with them and set up another baptismal date with her. I'm am super excited for this next transfer Elder Kaveinga and I are going to tear it up! Like i said i am making a goal of 10 on date by week 6 and i never back down from a goal! So that will motivate me to want to invited EVERYONE! I am also excited for the missoula zone! Lots of good things are happening within our zone. I spoke with elder Hatch and bore my testimony to him about the importance of inviting and if we can all just overcome the fear of inviting someone to be baptized the spirit will work through us and touch peoples hearts. And i challenged him to invited someone to be baptized before he called in numbers sunday. I told him to pray about it and see which one he felt was ready. So long story short they now have a baptismal date for October 6th so that is super exciting! He also got a lady at pinesdale to commit to start doing all the steps that she needs to take to be baptized. So lots of good things happening. I am really excited! Well i guess i better go!

Love ya!

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