Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sept. 10, 2012 Email

Hey MOM!
Well this week was a really good week! We got alot of potential new investigators. There were lots of people that were not members at the university ward sunday that were just there to see what it was like and there was also a older guy at the family ward who wants to learn more! :) So lots of good things hopefully heading our way. So I am really excited for this transfer I have dedided to make a transfer goal of commiting 10 people to baptism by the end of the transfer I feel that it is a reasonable goal and I feel it can be achieved. Besides with the lord on our side all things are possible. :) We had a lesson with Natalyne meyers yesterday and she said she doesnt want to wait to be baptized Sept. 22 she said she wants to be baptized this sat. So we moved her baptism to this sat. so we are really excited for that. Also Clayton is still doing awesome i cant wait to see him enter the waters of baptism i just like him and getting really ansy to see him get baptized, he has gained such a strong conviction of the gopsel its amazing it has grown my own personal testimony. We are still struggling with Austin James he wont commit and follow through at least but we will not give up! Mahala Auger is doing really good and her health is back to normal so we have a appointment set up for Tuesday to go meet with them and set up another baptismal date with her. I'm am super excited for this next transfer Elder Kaveinga and I are going to tear it up! Like i said i am making a goal of 10 on date by week 6 and i never back down from a goal! So that will motivate me to want to invited EVERYONE! I am also excited for the missoula zone! Lots of good things are happening within our zone. I spoke with elder Hatch and bore my testimony to him about the importance of inviting and if we can all just overcome the fear of inviting someone to be baptized the spirit will work through us and touch peoples hearts. And i challenged him to invited someone to be baptized before he called in numbers sunday. I told him to pray about it and see which one he felt was ready. So long story short they now have a baptismal date for October 6th so that is super exciting! He also got a lady at pinesdale to commit to start doing all the steps that she needs to take to be baptized. So lots of good things happening. I am really excited! Well i guess i better go!

Love ya!

Elder Branham with the Apostle Elder Neal Anderson

Update on Elder Branham's Summer

Elder Branham has been busy this past Summer.  He was transferred to Shelby MT in June and made a District Leader.  After being in Riverton, WY for 6 months it was hard for him to leave and we were worried that he would have a hard time adjusting to Shelby.  Elder Branham adjusted just fine and was a great District Leader.  We received a phone call from a Missionary Couple serving with him in Shelby and they said he was doing a great job as the District leader and that he was loved in the area.  We felt like he would be in Shelby for a couple of transfers but the Lord had different plans.  In July Transfers after just 6 weeks in Shelby as District leader he was transferred to Missoula, MT to be Zone Leader.  We were surprised about the transfer but very excited and happy about his new leadership role.  Since being in Missoula he has developed a love for the area and is totally embracing his call as Zone Leader.  He said that he loves this calling and he loves teaching and speaking in front of others.  This has been such a wonderful and growing experience.  Elder Branham also had the priveledge to speak on the telephone with the Apostle Neal Anderson.  Imagine the shock on his face when he answered his missionary phone to discover that Elder Anderson was on the other end.  Two weeks later Elder Anderson was in Missoula and he had the special priveledge to speak with him personally and take a picture with him.  He has grown so much this past year spiritually, personally and in a leadership way.  We are so proud of our Missionary and all of the wonderful work that he is doing.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

District Picture with Pres. Gardner before his release

July 17, 2012 Email

Sorry I wasn't on yest. we left early and went to Glacier National Park for pday. My entire district was able to go we were able to get everyone rides to go.Its kinda cool Glacier is actually in my area I could go tracting there lol so it was a lot of fun. This week was a good week for my district we now have a total of 15 people with baptismal dates in my district. My comp and I were able to set 2 this week so that was good hopefully they go through. my comp is still hard to get along with and prez told me I would be staying with him :( well don't know what else to write love yall

July 9,2012 post

Well this week was a good week. We had 30 lessons and we picked up 4 new investigators while tracting so it was sweet. Our area is really starting to grow I hope I will be able to find success in it. We have gotten 8 new investigators since I have been here. We started meeting with a former investigator family that have been meeting with the missonaries for years  i really hope they will change and they will wanna be baptized it would really strengthen my testimony. I did my first 2 baptismal interviews yesterday. they went great both started to cry in the interview the ywere both in their 60s and they shared their testimony with me about how when they first met with missionaries they said they werent gonna change but the misssionaries could stop by. So elder Smith one of the missionaries in my district asked them a simple question will you read and pray about the Book of Mormon and they said sure it wont hurt. and so they read and prayed and said that the holy spirit just came upon them like somebody had poured hot water over the top of them. so it was nice to here their conversion story and feel the spirit in the interview. they were both hard core catholic but now they are gettin baptized and want to go to the temple in a year to be sealed. My district is still leading the mission right now. every companionship has people on date for baptism except our area. but hopefully this week we will be able to set a baptismal date with Destiny. But our district has 14 baptismal dates right now. so its nice. but I just hope we can have some baptisms in my are acause baptisms always make the mission easier. I dont really like my companion. I just cant get along with him president said I would struggle so I am just sucking it up and trying to help him become a better missionary but he never wants to listen to me he wants to do things his way.but I feel pretty confident in saying I will be with him for another transfer so I bettter just saddle up. Well i guess tahts it its been hot here this week.
LOve ya!