Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 9,2012 post

Well this week was a good week. We had 30 lessons and we picked up 4 new investigators while tracting so it was sweet. Our area is really starting to grow I hope I will be able to find success in it. We have gotten 8 new investigators since I have been here. We started meeting with a former investigator family that have been meeting with the missonaries for years  i really hope they will change and they will wanna be baptized it would really strengthen my testimony. I did my first 2 baptismal interviews yesterday. they went great both started to cry in the interview the ywere both in their 60s and they shared their testimony with me about how when they first met with missionaries they said they werent gonna change but the misssionaries could stop by. So elder Smith one of the missionaries in my district asked them a simple question will you read and pray about the Book of Mormon and they said sure it wont hurt. and so they read and prayed and said that the holy spirit just came upon them like somebody had poured hot water over the top of them. so it was nice to here their conversion story and feel the spirit in the interview. they were both hard core catholic but now they are gettin baptized and want to go to the temple in a year to be sealed. My district is still leading the mission right now. every companionship has people on date for baptism except our area. but hopefully this week we will be able to set a baptismal date with Destiny. But our district has 14 baptismal dates right now. so its nice. but I just hope we can have some baptisms in my are acause baptisms always make the mission easier. I dont really like my companion. I just cant get along with him president said I would struggle so I am just sucking it up and trying to help him become a better missionary but he never wants to listen to me he wants to do things his way.but I feel pretty confident in saying I will be with him for another transfer so I bettter just saddle up. Well i guess tahts it its been hot here this week.
LOve ya!

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