Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday January 30, 2012 email

Email from Elder Branham today:

Well this week was good not as many lessons but we had a busy week. We had zone training last thursday so i got to see president. No one seemed to be home last week so we ended up only getting 2 lessons. But we did set some baptismal dates so I am excited for those they will be in february. Well we took our car in today to get it fixed where some missionary layed on the roof and messed the roof up so we won't have the car for about 2 weeks so looks like we will be doing lots of walking. I dont really know what to write about. lol

He also finaly received his package from home today, it took 11 days to get there.  Crazy when it was sent 2 day priority.  Grandma's package got there today also hers took 7 days.  I guess Wyoming uses the Pony Express...I will have to get his Valentines box in the mail now so he gets it in

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