Monday, April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012 Email

Well I am late getting on today. We went hiking this morning then when we got back we went and helped Bro. Merrill do some stuff. This has been a pretty good week. Last sat. we went with one of our investigators to look for shedded antlers we only found 4 but we were not out there long cause it started to rain. So he is gonna take us again this sat. Last week we set a baptismal date with Kelsi Bro. Merrill daughter her baptismal date is set for next sat. April 28th. I love the Merrill family they are awesome! They make me wanna move here cause Bro Merrill knows huntin like the back of his hand he used to be a game warden. We are having dinner with them this thur. he is gonna cook us elk steak. We also got a new investigator last week his name is Nate he is in the college branch. He is way solid we taught him the 1st lesson and it went well. We also taught a family that we tracked into a while back there names are Vanessa and Bryan. When we tracted it Vanessa told us that she liked the Mormon religion and that when she lived in Brazil she went for to church for a year, and was gonna be baptized but her family is really strong Catholic and convinced her not too. But I feel the time is right and I really hope I can stay here in Riverton one more transfer to see them get baptized that will be the first family I will have been able to baptize but that is only if I stay. Well I don't really know what else to write about. I love yall!

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