Saturday, June 30, 2012

New Area

Well after spending 6 months in Riverton WY, Elder Branham was transferred to a new area.  It was hard for him to leave the great area of Riverton.  He has made life long friends, grown to love the area and misses sweet Sis. Larsen.  The Lord definitely calls you to the areas that he knows you need in your life, Riverton was that area for Elder Branham.  He grew so much as a Missionary in this area and became a Senior Companion.  He faced illness while there but because of the wonderful members he recouperated very well and was back on his feet in no time.  Thanks to all those that he came in contact with and for the wonderful impressions that were forever instilled in him that he will carry a life time.  Now he is on to Shelby, MT where I know he will continue to grow as a missionary and as the great adult he is becoming.

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