Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

Weekly Email:

Well as you know we got transfer calls last friday. I will be getting a new companion this wed. I will be training which I am really excited about. I am only the 3rd missionary to go senior companion after only 4.5 months so i am really happy about that. Last week was a good week we planned a little bit for the baptism we have on the 25th. We will be baptizing a 10 year old girl named Jada and a 13 year old boy named John. They are great kids and they have really understood everything we have taught them. We tracted into a guy about 4 weeks ago his name is william. we have been meeting with him and he is SOLID! He told us he has been looking for a church to be baptized into for the last year but says that he feels that none of the churches are right. He also does not like how most churches dont practice what the preach. He is a firm believe in you must show faith. faith without works is dead. he also doesnt believe in babies being baptized. so i am really excited for him. So i ask all of you to keep him in your prayers so that he may receive an answer taht this is the true church. and that this amazing gospel will bless his life. We have also been teaching a 23 year old for a while now. He wont get baptized cause he is scared what his parents will think so just keep him in your prayers also. Also keep praying that the area i am in will continue to grow with success. My companion did leave yest. he will probably get to his new area tuesday. he is going to lolo, montana which is near missoula. His new companion is the district leader and is a really hard worker which i feel is what he needs cause he didnt wanna work at all when he was here. I am excited for the opportunity that the lord has given me to train, i feel this is like what coach laprad always told us " when you get the chance to shine and show people what you are made of take advantage of it and soak in teh feeling you get from your success" and thats what i hope i can do is show people how great i can be. My new companion is coming from eureka montana which is the farthest point north on the mission he is only about 5 mins from the canada border. So he will get here at about 2 pm wed afternoon. So he will be on the transfer van for 3 days. So until wed. i am with the elders from down in lander wyoming. there companions all got transferred so we are all getting new companions. One of them is getting Elder Hatch which is a elder i came out with and was in the MTC with. And the other is gettign Elder Savage who will be our new district leader and i served around him up in butte and he is a really cool kid. So i am excited for this transfer and hope to find lots of success. Well the weatehr here continues to be nice i hope it stays like this both winters once i get home from my mission it can be cold all it wants. Well i guess thats all i got.

Love, Elder Branham

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