Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year January 2, 2012

 Monday, January 02, 2012 1:17 PM
To: Sherri Branham
Subject: Re: hi well this email may be long if i can get everything out. As you know we had a baptism this past friday and it went great. I never told you the story though i just told you it was a 10 year old girl. well i am gonna tell you the story now. So Jaci Brosseau was a less active lady that we had been visiting she would come to church every now and then. She had been trying to adopt a Serena who is now a 10 year old girl for a while. But things just wouldn't work out. Elder Akina and i felt that we should stress the importance of coming to church and the blessings you can receive from it. so we did. After we did this she was reactivated and came to church every Sunday. Then Serena wanted to be baptized but we cant baptize if she is not officially adopted yet. So one day we got a phone call from Jaci saying she wanted us to fast with them and they were gonna fast and pray that the adoption would be finalized. She had already been told by her lawyer it would take several months to be done. But we all fasted anyways this was on a Sunday. That Tuesday we got a call from Jaci saying she had got a phone call and the court date would be the next week. So the next week everything was finalized and Serena was officially Jaci's child. Now all we had to do was plan the baptism because we had already taught Serena everything. So last Friday Serena was baptized. It was just amazing to see that when you put your faith in the lords hands all things are possible. Well that was the story of Serena. Now I will talk about my transfer. Elder Akina has been here for 4.5 months and is staying which is VERY unusual. So I only look at it as they must really need me in Wyoming cause this rarely ever happens. But I tell you it was hard leaving. I now see why they say it is so hard to leave when your mission is up. Cause it was hard for me to leave deer lodge, and anaconda it felt like i was leaving home all over again. They had become my family.  But it was just hard to leave and i didn't wanna go. New years eve we spent it with a lady Michelle Tennis and her son Dillon who we reactivated them. And she has always been there for us when we needed dinner appointments or anything. Then last night we went to the oxnams and it was really really hard for me to leave there. Bro. Oxnam had gotten really close to me and was like my mission dad and sis. oxnam like my mission mom. It was really hard to leave them. They had become like family and I didn't wanna say goodbye. Bro. Oxnam even got a little teary eyed as I walked out of his house for the last time. But we hope that i will go back to that area at some point again before my mission and I can reunite with them again. Well I guess that's enough of my sob story. The last week of transfers we didn't even stay at our apt. There is a family in anaconda that was out of town and they asked us to stay at their house while they were gone. So we did. And the room I slept in smelled just like my bedroom back home I felt so at home. lol well tom. I will get on the transfer van in Butte and head to Wyoming I wont get on it till like 12:15. So they said I will stop in Billings at the mission home and stay there tom. night. and wake up wed. morning and have breakfast with all the new missionaries that came out (Greenie breakfast). then I will get back on the transfer van and head to Riverton. My zone leader here in Butte just came from Riverton and he said he loved it and that there are alot of people that are close to being ready for baptism which is really exciting. He said the lady i will be living with Sis. Larsen is really really cool. He also said that the other Riverton missionaries live directly across the street so you will get to hang out with them alot. There will be 8 missionaries there in my district compared to 6 here. The only down side is I will be in a car share he said you share a car with the missionaries that live across the street. But he said that really isn't a problem because Sis. Larson will drive you EVERYWHERE. I looked it up and I will only be about an hour from Uncle Josh which is comforting to know. my area backs up to Yellowstone national park ( hopefully it doesn't erupt) and I also have an Indian reservation in my area. I will cover 1 ward which from what i hear is pretty big. And then a branch on the Indian reservation. And then I will be covering a college ward. which I heard is alot of fun because it is alot of people your own age. So that will be exciting. I got way to much stuff though it is to annoying to pack. so please don't send stuff unless its food ties or money. I have no room for anything else. I will need some medicine like thera flu and sudafed and ibprofeun cause I had to leave all that in Deer Lodge cause I couldn't fit it in my suit cases. well I guess that raps everything up.  love ya

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