Monday, October 10, 2011

Last MTC Email

Hey mom
well its the last day at the mtc. I have learned alot and my testimony has really grown. it is weird and nerve racking to leave and go teach cause you mess up in the field you are asked not to come back. But i just hope i get a really good trainer. Well yesterday we watch Joseph smith prophet of the restoration. It really made my testimony increase. And it made me think i would be selfish not to serve a mission after all Joseph smith went through for us to have the gospel on the earth today.  The movie pretty much sums up the whole first lesson us as missionaries teach. And there are 5 of us going to Montana. I thought i would tell you that i can call you tom. But only on one condition. IF YOU DO NOT CRY! If you cry i will hang the phone up cause that will just make me more home sick and will distract me from my purpose. It snowed here this past wed and it is cold, i look forward to my mission but in all honesty i hope it FLYS BY cause i hate the cold and it is only gonna get worse. . And what address did you give people? the mission home? i hope not cause depending on where i will be put that could be 400 miles from where i am so there will be no way for me to get mail. When i get there i will have an address to my apartment and i will want you to put that address up. This morning i went to do laundry and there was another missionary who was like me loved to hunt and his dad sent him a picture of a mule deer he killed it was huge. That's something i hate not being able to do is HUNT that's what i always looked forward to.  Well our branch president gave a good talk yest. on the plan of salvation he took yarn and went around the class room with it then tied a knot in the middle of it and said that the not represented our time here on earth and the yarn that kept going was eternal life and he explained that everything we do here on earth is just a judgement for where we will go when we all die. I mean i have heard it millions of times but he explained it really good. One thing i feel i am not good at is the scriptures i read the book of Mormon while in the mtc again but i don't have scriptures to pull out and show people when i am teaching them. I just like to teach the lesson. lol I am kind of hoping that since there is 400 acres to every 1 person in Montana that i won't be too busy cause it gets way to stressful and i feel like that's not what the lord wants.  But yes i am staying focused but you always have those you love in your heart no matter where you are and all my family is in my heart  and every night before i go to bed that is what i think about. well i got to go get my laundry. Remember what i said about me calling you no crying!
love ya,
elder branham

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