Monday, October 31, 2011

Good Week in Deer Lodge

Today I got my weekly email and Elder Branham said that he and his companion had a much better week.  His Uncle Josh's email really helped him.  He has his first baptism scheduled for this saturday and he his looking forward to that.  He and his companion had 128 approaches this week and that is a new record for his mission.  He also told of one of the approaches:
we went to one house and there was a guy in the driveway and he said that it was his friends house so we just kept walking. when we walked back by he was cleaning a huge elk so we went up to him and asked if we could take some pictures and he said sure. i talked to him about how i liked to hunt and then he said you guys arent so wierd he goes yall come back and i will feed you some elk and maybe just maybe i will let you guys teach me a thing or two. so it was pretty cool. .
He is a good Missionary and has an awesome companion.  He said church was really good yesterday, he gave a 20 min talk in sacrament meeting.  He said a 76 year old lady taught Gospel Doctrine and told about how she killed an elk the day before...he said that was interesting.  He is getting letters from friends and family and he really enjoys those.  His companion went to take his drivers test today but did not pass so Ryan is still driving, he said lol...poor companion.  Today is a combined Pday with 8 companionships together since it is Halloween.  He is doing good, he did hurt his knee playing basketball but all will be good...Pictures to come.

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