Thursday, October 13, 2011

I am in Hunting Town!!!

Hey Mom,
I got my new address.
Well i am not certified to be an online proselyte yet but i wanted to give you my address. So you can give it everyone else. I am in a HUNTIN Town and my companion is AWESOME he is from Hawaii and plays basketball for byu Hawaii. We get really nice trucks to drive and i have to drive cause my companion his licence expired and we have a huge apartment! and the outside is made out of logs. well i will tell you more Monday. YOU SHOULD UPDATE MY BLOG! i went and looked at it. well i got to go :) and if you send packages make sure it is postal service. my companion loves beef jerky JUST SAY IN! well i love ya'll,  i will email you more Monday we are going to knock on doors :)
love you

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