Monday, October 24, 2011

Frustrating Week

Today I received my weekly email from Elder Branham.  He said last week was a very frustrating week for all Missionaries in their zone, the zone leaders had horrible numbers. They had many doors slammed in their faces, he was cused out, and a lady that they have been teaching for 2 weeks told them not to come back.  They went to the highway department today to try to renew his companions drivers liscense and the lady there was very rude.  Because they only have a PO Box they could not prove proof of residence and told them that even if they did have an address, they were Mormon so why should she help them...This was very frustrating to Ryan but he said his companion is awesome and encourages him.  He said it is hard and makes him home sick but he is learning alot.  He said they were feed steak last night from the 1st counselor in the Bishopric and played Dominos with there family.  He said the counselor is a big hunter so it was very nice for him to talk hunting with him and it help ease his homesickness.  He said he misses everyone and to send his love to ALL. 

I just want to thank everyone from our family for the love and support you give to him and our family.  We are truely blessed with a great family and Ward Family and Friends.

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