Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 5 - December 9

In Elder Branham's weekly email he stated that all was good in the Missionary World.  He and Elder Akina have been busy, they had 29 contacts.  They have 3 baptisms scheduled and 3 reactivated members.  One baptism is schedule for Christmas eve so that will be nice.  The weather has been cold but I think he is starting to adjust to it.  One morning their truck did not want to crank because it was so cold.  They have been invited to one of their favorite families home for Christmas Day so he was excited about that.  They almost hit a huge deer mule one night out driving and a moose another.  I sure hope he drives slow and careful.  I got a FB message from one of the families in the branch in Deer Lodge.  She said they just love Elder Branham and Elder Akina.  She said they are both hard workers and always eager to serve everyone.  She said he is doing good and she thought he was adjusting well.  I was so pround of him and loved hearing the compliments from this sweet family.  Elder Branham is looking forward to his phone call home on Christmas Day and so are we.  We continue to pray for his missionary successes and safety. 

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