Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day Dec. 25, 2011

Christmas Day was the best....We got to talk to Elder Branham and he sounded awesome.  He said that he has had a good and fun Christmas, They went to church at 9am then a spend the afternoon with a family in Deer Lodge, later they had to drive to Anaconda to stay with some other missionaries.  He said that he was getting over his homesickness and adjusting.  The weather is up and down but not consistent.  We talked about other miscellanous things...Everyone got to talk to him, Grandma was sooo happy that she got to hear his voice.  We are so proud of our Missionary and Know that he will be awesome for the people of Montana.  Talking to him made all of our Christmas, it was a great day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20th Email

well this week was a good week we had 32 lessons. Serena the girl whos baptism got moved to Jan. 7 got moved back to Dec. 30 hopefully. Well I don't really got much to talk about since I talk to you in a week I need stuff to talk about. But anyways we had a good week and yea the lady in the post office was mean kinda got me mad, she said it to Elder Akina when I was waiting in line to get my package. and when I walked up she just said you guys have fun rotting in hell and walked off. but anywyas I have only got 1 package and it was from you with my presents thats all I have gotten so far. love ya

by the way President Gardner sent us all a emia,l we taught a mission high of 20 lessons average last week :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dec. 13 - Dec. 17

Below is some of Elder Branham's email from this week:

Well this week was probably the best week I have had since I have been out. I have really been struggling not that I don't love the work and I am glad to be able to serve a mission. Its just been really hard for me to adjust to missionary life. I prayed to Heavenly Father and told him if he didn't help me I was gonna go home cause I just couldn't do it anymore. Then the next day I checked the mail and I had a letter from Emily. To be honest I really don't know what was so special about that letter. But what I do know is that when I read it I started crying and I knew I was where I was supposed to be. The letter made me feel so much better. And after that I worked really hard and I have not stopped. I know that was Heavenly Father answering my prayers. This past week was a really good week. we had 2 reactivation's and set 2 baptismal dates. What sucks though is the baptismal dates are in January well we had to move one from Christmas eve cause the bishop said that was a family day. so needless to say elder Akina will probably be gone by the time they get baptized cause we are pretty sure he is getting transferred at the end of this month and I will be getting someone else. he has been in this area for 4.5 months. Hopefully I will get a good companion like elder Akina. I am really praying that he stays with me for one more transfer just cause we have been working together with these 2 people and it wouldn't be fair for someone else to come in and get the baptism. Sister Hathaway told me you called her. She had us guess what you told her and I guessed it right lol They are a cool family. this past Friday we had a lesson with one of our investigators and he cooked us moose and elk steak. it was really good. moose meet is way better than any game I have ate before. He also gave us a bunch of meat and some elk summer sausage. This past Friday we had our zone conference. We all wore a tie and did tie trading. President Gardner got my tie. lol our assistants to the president dressed up as Santa and his elf. lol we also sang Christmas songs it was alot of fun. But yea that was basically how the week went, really good. well tell every one I say hey.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 5 - December 9

In Elder Branham's weekly email he stated that all was good in the Missionary World.  He and Elder Akina have been busy, they had 29 contacts.  They have 3 baptisms scheduled and 3 reactivated members.  One baptism is schedule for Christmas eve so that will be nice.  The weather has been cold but I think he is starting to adjust to it.  One morning their truck did not want to crank because it was so cold.  They have been invited to one of their favorite families home for Christmas Day so he was excited about that.  They almost hit a huge deer mule one night out driving and a moose another.  I sure hope he drives slow and careful.  I got a FB message from one of the families in the branch in Deer Lodge.  She said they just love Elder Branham and Elder Akina.  She said they are both hard workers and always eager to serve everyone.  She said he is doing good and she thought he was adjusting well.  I was so pround of him and loved hearing the compliments from this sweet family.  Elder Branham is looking forward to his phone call home on Christmas Day and so are we.  We continue to pray for his missionary successes and safety. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Fun Day Off!

Although he can't actually hunt while serving on his mission
he can go and observe.  A member of the Bishopric
took him and Elder Akina.  They sat and watched,
then helped him drag out what he got.  I know this
was a highlight for Elder Branham.

 Guess he borrowed camo, showing off!

 showing off the catch!

 Hard work pulling


Boy he wishes all these were his.