Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week Nov. 13 - Nov. 18 in Deer Lodge, MT

Weekly Email from Elder Branham:

Well this week has been a cold one. It has snowed everyday and been in the negatives every morning. I am starting to get used to it though. Next week is the last week of hunting season so I am gonna miss seeing all the elk and deer in the back of trucks. But it has been fun I ran into a family that we had dinner with. Who is a big big big hunter and travels the world hunting. well when he can. He owns a construction business and he said he goes huntin out of state at least 5 tiems a year. He is a role model to me owns a construction business and travels hunting. I like it haha He was showing me all his guns he keeps most of them in his truck cause he does a lot of work for yellowstone and he has tags to kill elk cause of nuisance. He had a 50 caliber he said he shot a elk at 2800 yrds with it this year. His family own a big ranch to. His daughters and sons were big into huntin to he was showing me pictures of the elk and deer and moose they had killed. His daughter killed a big mule deer with a 500 magnum handgun with iron sights this past year, pretty cool. It is snowing alot right now its like a blizzard. I am still trying to get used to drving in the snow its wierd. I Know by the time I go home I am gonna HATE the snow. Well the Gerstein family that we had referred to us and been teaching are doing good hopefully they get baptized December 10th that is what we are hoping for.   Well I will be getting a new zone leader this transfer one of my zone leaders is heading back home to Arizona. Well thats about all I can think of.

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