Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let it SNOW Let it SNOW!

 Smiling with a friend

 He says, "look at all the snow".

 Snowy weather

 having some fun in the snow

Making a snow angel

Elder Branham Photo Gallery

 Elder Branham with a beautiful Montana Background

 Georgeous background

His dream to have one of his own

 showing off his cooking skills

 look at the snow

Anything hunting!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Baptism in Deer Lodge

 Elder Branham and Elder Akina getting ready for their
first baptism

 Elder Branham filling the font

 Day of happiness

 Beautiful Montana

Now we know why they call it the Big Sky State

Adventures of Elder Branham Nov. 2011

 Elder Branham showing his pumpkin he carved

 Elder Branham and Elder Akina showing Halloween spirit

 While tracting they found a guy cleaning his elk,
Elder Branham was in heaven

 Elder Branham was able to start talking hunting with
the owner of this Elk and get invited to come back
to teach the gospel

Showing us what he does during free time.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Week Nov. 21 - Nov. 25 in Deer Lodge

This week there wasn't much said from Elder Branham.  He said he had been really busy.  He and Elder Akina are eating Thanksgiving at a members house.  One of the counslors in the Bishopric gave them Elk meat and steak.  They have been cooking it for breakfast and dinners...I guess he is getting good at cooking in general and especially Elk.  He is a little homesick but I think he will be fine.  Thanksgiving was nice but Elder Branham was in everyones thoughts, We know he is where he is suppose to be in this time of his life.  We pray for him and his missionary experiences everyday.  He did get three boxes of goodies for Thanksgiving, One from Mom, One from Mema and One from Grandma...He knows he is loved and supported back home.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Week Nov. 13 - Nov. 18 in Deer Lodge, MT

Weekly Email from Elder Branham:

Well this week has been a cold one. It has snowed everyday and been in the negatives every morning. I am starting to get used to it though. Next week is the last week of hunting season so I am gonna miss seeing all the elk and deer in the back of trucks. But it has been fun I ran into a family that we had dinner with. Who is a big big big hunter and travels the world hunting. well when he can. He owns a construction business and he said he goes huntin out of state at least 5 tiems a year. He is a role model to me owns a construction business and travels hunting. I like it haha He was showing me all his guns he keeps most of them in his truck cause he does a lot of work for yellowstone and he has tags to kill elk cause of nuisance. He had a 50 caliber he said he shot a elk at 2800 yrds with it this year. His family own a big ranch to. His daughters and sons were big into huntin to he was showing me pictures of the elk and deer and moose they had killed. His daughter killed a big mule deer with a 500 magnum handgun with iron sights this past year, pretty cool. It is snowing alot right now its like a blizzard. I am still trying to get used to drving in the snow its wierd. I Know by the time I go home I am gonna HATE the snow. Well the Gerstein family that we had referred to us and been teaching are doing good hopefully they get baptized December 10th that is what we are hoping for.   Well I will be getting a new zone leader this transfer one of my zone leaders is heading back home to Arizona. Well thats about all I can think of.

Friday, November 11, 2011

An Awesome Missionary Experience

This is Elder Branahm and Elder Aikia's great missionary experience:

so my companion and I got a referral yest of a lady and her son who is like 22. We went and taught them last night and the spirit was SOOO STRONG and they agreed with everything and said they had been praying to find a church for the last month and we showed up :) after the lesson I felt the spirit telling me to ask them to be baptized and I committed them both to baptism on December 10th, so we got to teach the rest of the lessons and the commandments and they are getting Baptised :) and then today on the way to the library there was this lady on the sidewalk and we walked by her and said hello then she was like can I have a Book of Mormon and we said sure... and she said she took the lessons a long time ago and was gonna get baptized but she moved and she has not seen missionaries since so she told us she wants us to come see her and be baptized :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Moose

Ok, so Elder Branham saw his first Moose yesterday.  They had dinner at a members house who lives in the mountains, a Moose walked across their yard.  He said it was huge!  The member has a stream beside his house and said that Bears, Moose, Elk and Deer come out of mountains and drink out of it.  He also was able to help pull an Elk out of the woods with one of the Bishopric counselors.  He said they had to chop it in half to get it out.  They are getting feed very good!  He said he is enjoying his mission and at the same time is homesick some.  He said he is becoming a pretty good cook, almost like his dad...this week is good but going a little slow.  The missionary conference this past tuesday was really good and they enjoyed it.  All is well for Elder Branham in Deer Lodge MONTANA!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cold Weather has arrived

Elder Branham sent me his weekly email today.  He said the cold weather is finally there, it was
 -11 today and snow is everywhere.  He said that last week was a good week and that he was looking forward to another one this week.  The baptism was good saturday and the spirit was strong.  He said that they have a mission tour tomorrow and will be in Helena.  There is a Seventy coming to speak to the missionaries.  He said he didn't have too much to report this week so his email was short.  He is doing good and he misses everyone but is engaged in his work and staying busy.  Hopefully his coat is keeping him warm.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Elder

My week has been great my companion and I got a referral from church headquarters yesterday of a newly wedded couple that just moved to Deer Lodge and were taking the discussions before they moved. We called them and they are excited to talk to us and I am excited too, hopefully something will become of it :) and we got our baptism tom. my first baptism :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pictures of Elder Branham's Mission Adventures

Elder Branham with Missionary's at MTC

 Elder Branham Provo UT Temple grounds

Elder Branham Loving his visits to the Temple

 Missionaries EVERYWHERE in the MTC

 Showing off his first batch of homemade sausage balls
that Grandma taught him to make, he looks proud

Enjoying the sights in Deer Lodge MT

 That deer is posing with Elder Branham, Guess he knows
Elder Branham can't shoot him

 Deer everywhere!

 Wow, nice apartment and truck!

 Boy he wishes he could say this was his...

 What a beautiful sight, MONTANA!

This place is so Elder Branham