Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pictures keep coming, Elder Branham is enjoying his Mission experience

                                          Pres. & Sis. Gardner, They will be missed
                                          released June 28, 2012

More Mission Pictures

                                                   Love, Love waterfalls
                                          Look where I hiked to...

                                          The water keeps going

                                             Another Beautiful place

Mission Pictures of Elder Branham

                                            Silly Missionaries!

                                                     Transfer time

                                                         Look at the Beautiful Wyoming

                                            Beautiful, Heavenly Father has Beautiful things


                                                   Boy it sure would be nice to jump in

Elder Branham's first email from Shelby MT, June 25, 2012

well this week got off to a rough start. Heading down here was a long ride it was like 13 hours. but I made it. I am starting to get used to the area. I have to do 10 baptismal interviews this week since I am the district leader. My companion and I went and taught a girl the 3rd lesson yest. She lives on the browning reservation she is a 4th native, she is really nice and cute. But she has a baby and we taught her the 4th lesson  and i think it was the most spiritual lesson I have given my entire mission. She started crying and said she wanted to be baptized so this week we will set a baptismal date with her. She texted Sis. Reber some senior missionaries that we work with and said she loves the church cause out on the reservation everyone but her drinks and does drugs and she doesnt like it and gets harrassed for not doing those things. So I am excited to be able to teach her and see her enter the waters of baptism and make that change for the better in her life. The lord calls us all to the place we need to be. We had 5 investigators at church sunday and they havent had 1 at church in the last 4 months. SO hopefully things will turn up and we will start to have success. Oh the Sis. Reber might add you she is such a nice lady. I told her to add you on facebook well love ya have a great day!

Shelby Montana

Elder Branham arrived in his new area on June 19, 2012, Shelby MT.  He said it was a very long travel to get there, 13 hours.  He got to spend the day with his first  companion Elder Akina and travel with him on the transfer bus.  He got to spend time at the Mission Home with President Gardner who went home June 28th.  Pres. Gardner was a great Mission President and Elder Branham respected and loved him very much, it is sad to see his time come to an end.  Elder Branhm was made a District Leader and we are proud of him for this accomplishment.  We received a letter from President Gardner telling us about Ryan's new calling and how he knew Ryan would do a great job.  Ryan has amazing leadership qualities that will continue to help him be successful in his mission as well as in life.  His new companion is Josh White and he is farely new, 3 months out.  Shelby is 8 miles from the Canada Border and the weather is alot cooler than here in SC.  He plans to visit Glaicer National Park while in that area.  He has already met someone who knew his Aunt Aurelia from College when she went to Ricks some 30 years ago....small world.  We are happy and excited about the growth and work that Elder Branham is doing.  The one year mark is not far away!

New Area

Well after spending 6 months in Riverton WY, Elder Branham was transferred to a new area.  It was hard for him to leave the great area of Riverton.  He has made life long friends, grown to love the area and misses sweet Sis. Larsen.  The Lord definitely calls you to the areas that he knows you need in your life, Riverton was that area for Elder Branham.  He grew so much as a Missionary in this area and became a Senior Companion.  He faced illness while there but because of the wonderful members he recouperated very well and was back on his feet in no time.  Thanks to all those that he came in contact with and for the wonderful impressions that were forever instilled in him that he will carry a life time.  Now he is on to Shelby, MT where I know he will continue to grow as a missionary and as the great adult he is becoming.