Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 Email...6 month Anniverary

WOW!!!! Tomorrow marks Elder Branham's 6 month anniversary that he became a full time Missionary. Time is going by fast, I am so excited that I get to put my 6 month sticker on his count down chart...

I have tried to tell him today that there is a season for everything and that he is on his mission not only to convert but to plant seeds.  Although it would be nice to have those seeds blossom while he may be in the area, sometimes the enviroment may not be right for them to blossom.  But the seeds he plants may blossom oneday because of his efforts.  Sometimes that may be hard to remember but I want him to understand it.  He works very hard in his Missionary efforts and tends to get disappointed when he thinks things aren't going well.  We are proud of him!

Here is his weekly Email:


Well this week was kinda stressful but I got through it. We got 2 new investigators tracting this week. We are also about to start teaching a black kid named Jean Paul. So I am really excited for that and we are also about to start teaching another part member family that has a 10 year old not baptized. So hopefully things will all work out. Also transfer calls are this friday I hope I stay since the work is picking back up again I wanna teach and bring people to the waters of baptism.We had a total of 31 lessons this week we have averaged 32 for this transfer.President Gardner came down for our stake conference and he met with us at our house and talked with us. I really am sad to see him go I hope the new President is like him. Well I don't know what all to say. Last year in my area they had 7 baptisms the whole year and 15 reactivations so far since I have been here we have had 5 baptisms and 15 reactivations so that is exciting :) 
love yall

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 2012 Email From Riverton, WY

Well this week went really well. We had 3 baptisms that went great and we also had 2 reactivation's. And we had a total of 29 lessons again. Which is great! I hope I don't get transferred we are about to start teaching another 9 year old and and 24 year old who's girlfriend is in our college branch and he has been to church with her the last 5 weeks. So its good that we are getting more people to teach. As a missionary you work hard to lose your work you work hard to get them to baptism then you have nobody to teach. But luckily this is probably the best area in the mission cause that's not the case for this area. My companion and I are getting along great it took me a while to get used to him but I love him not quite as much as I loved Elder Akina but he is an awesome companion and I hope we stay together for at least one more transfer. This past week at zone conference President Gardner wanted to talk to me, I thought I was in trouble... but he said he just wanted to let me know that my companion and I are leading the mission right now with an average weekly lessons of 32.1 and we have had 15 reactivation's and 5 baptisms this transfer so he just wanted to congratulate me and tell me to keep up the good work and that he was proud of me for working hard. I am gonna miss President Gardner. I hope the new mission president will be just as good as President Gardner was. I have been checking up on South Carolina baseball and right now they are on fire with a 13-1 record so far and their only lost was to Clemson in the 11th inning. I hope they can win the national championship again that would be crazy if they won 3 years in a row. well I don't know what else to say the work is going good here. Hope I have the opportunity to stay, next friday is transfer calls.
love you all

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Update on Elder Branham from Riverton

In my last couple emails, Elder Branham is doing good.  He is enjoying his missionary experience and his new companion.  He was made Senior companion last month and is training a missionary who has been out 6 weeks before coming to him, calling it a Greene Breaker.  They are working hard in Riverton and teaching lots of lessons.  They have had two baptisms already and 3 more this coming Saturday, 3/10.  He sounds very upbeat and adjusting.  On March 21st it marks 6 months on his mission but whose counting.  We are very proud of our Missionary and the wonderful things he is accomplishing.

More pictures from Riverton

Enjoying a day in the life of a Missionary

February 2012 Baptisms

If you look closely you can see the deer behind him

I am so glad that he made his bed!

Pictures from Riverton WY

 Elder Branham and his flavored water

 Awe this picture is for his sister, he is showing her the horse....

 Riverton WY

Showing off their new hats