Monday, September 26, 2011

Ryan's first email letter

I received my first email letter from Ryan today.  I was so excited to hear from him, he sounded very upbeat and good.  He said he likes the MTC but it is very busy.  He really wants everyone to please write him letters, he really wants to hear from home.  He went to the Provo Temple and said it was amazing.  He has made friends and said that he is learning alot.  I cannot wait to get my next email next Monday.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Off He goes to the MTC

Ryan had a great send off to start his Mission Adventure!  He flew out of the Charleston Airport on Tues. 9/20 @ 2pm.  He arrived at the SLC airport @ 6:40pm to be greeted by his Uncle Josh, Cousins and friends.  His Uncle took him to the MTC on Wed. 9/21 where he started this awesome adventure with a huge smile on his face, He was READY!
Everyone was there for his awesome farewell talk in sacrament meeting.

At the airport getting ready for the plane ride.

Unloading his luggage at the MTC

There he goes with his Missionary host to begin his 2 year journey.